Dear folks, how are you? What a time! We are continuing to live in some of the most deeply perplexing, sad, and sometimes damn scary days of our lives? How are you? Please check-in, let me know. This is a serious offer. I would love to be in touch. I have a few other things to share and I hope you will read to the end, but if not, the quick news... there is a workshop announcement and a shift in this newsletter. Scroll to the bottom to check all the links.
The news: I am turning this list into my Expressive Arts Facilitator list/newsletter/blog. About a year ago I asked you to "opt-into" my expressive arts blog and a few of you did. Now I am just making the change. And I do understand if you need to opt out (it's right below).
You are here because have known me as a positive discipline educator or as a therapist. All these roles and skills I offer will still be offered. I have a private therapy portal all online, and I have a few spots in that schedule but this new launch is about being an artist, performer, helper, healer, which I already am, I just want to say it and write about it a bit more and live into it more!
If you are a colleague you might have referred to me for which I am deeply grateful. I hope you will stay on this monthly check-in newsletter/blog.
As a client or potential client what I hope I have always offered you is a love of listening and sharing. I have a deep desire to connect with you. Reach back out if it is time to revisit your healing journey with the arts or meditation as the root of our work.
Part of what helped me grow my in-person business was so often knowing who in the community was the specialist in each area. I hope you might begin to think of me as the go-to person for folks who might benefit from meditation, art, and a coaching format. Also, mama, divorced, queer lived experience is a part of my truth I would like to share (or share again) as it is helpful to you. What would you like me to know about you (if you are a colleague)? It’s always helpful to know what folks are offering.
Fun fact, I write these letters on my meditation cushion before returning to the anchor of the meditation. This is primarily what pulls me away, how to connect with you my small local audience. It has been so so curious that that has been my experience for months and I have not written. Why? Fear you will leave? The fear I can or won't ever launch (keeping launching) this expressive arts business (?), but as I press send that fear will be gone. And I will be on to the next thing.
I find this fear and this desire so intriguing. I want to know what we can create together but I have been slow to keep reaching out. I aim to put that fear out of my mind and keep coming back to this well of beautiful people and I hope to grow this newsletter/blog. Can you pass this along if you know someone who might be curious?
If you are a potential client, I want to see all of your many selves on the pages you will paint, or the rooms you will dance in. The multitude of glorious selves, ideas, wishes, and dreams you have inside you need to be set free. The many often competing roles you play outside of you can show up when we meet.
I never ever need you to be a certain way. I want to see it all (if you would like, with your trust and consent) and so as I transition this blog, newsletter into Expressive Arts Work, I hope you will stay and maybe share this little space where we can all create. To that end, there is a cool link below to a mighty network (click the little link image below). Join me there to share art, articles, or just questions. It seems not to go down when all the other servers do.
and here is my “new” site as well:
Save the date, on October 27st from 12 pm - 1.30 pm I will hold a very fun informative workshop about all things expressive arts called "Creating the time for YOU", breaking ground and connecting to yourself; how to start an art journal. Please come and find out the joy of art, of journaling, of mashing the two together is a possible brown glorious mess of a thing. You need validation you can't fail, write to me, I will send you some of my fabulously messy paintings.
All for now here’s to you getting a little more time for you today!
Click below for all the links to all the things I offer (I just love